Project status prepare

Project Overview

Multiple investments are currently being proposed for Stewarton's waste water infrastructure, with the hope all works should begin on site within the next two years - 2024/25. 

The proposed works will help alleviate sewer flooding, improve waste water services for customers and help protect the local environment. 

We are taking a holistic approach to all proposed future investments in the town, looking at them collectively so that we can share resources and minimise disruption where possible. 

At a Glance 

  • Around £12M total investment 
  • Tackle sewer flooding 
  • Improve local environment


David Dale Avenue Sewer Flooding Project

Big Picture

With some of the proposed projects for Stewarton further along than others, the first phase of a project to help tackle sewer flooding in David Dale Avenue has already been successfully delivered. The second phase is scheduled to begin later this year. 


We held a drop-in information event in early February at the Stewarton Area Centre, where the community had the opportunity to find out about our planned and proposed investment projects for Stewarton and why they are needed; meet the teams who will deliver the works, and ask any questions.

If you were unable to attend you can access the information posters below.

Further Information

You can find the information from the community event by clicking the button below

More Information

What We Are Doing 

We propose to upgrade sewer infrastructure at various locations in the town. 

As well as the planned works at David Dale Avenue, funding has been secured to upsize the sewer capacity in Holm Street. In addition, improvement works are proposed at the following locations: 

  • Kirk Glebe Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) – we propose to construct a brand new CSO.
  • Kirkford Bridge CSO replacement – we propose to replace and upgrade the existing CSO.
  • Barbour’s Park CSO – we plan to construct a brand new CSO and create greater capacity in the sewer pipework (this also forms part of the wider Barbour’s Park flooding project).
  • Bridgend (High Street) – we propose to upsize combined sewer pipework, creating greater capacity.

Ahead of the proposed works, investigations will take place in February, March, and April 2024 at various locations in Stewarton: 

  • High Street - 2-way traffic lights 26/02/24 for 5 weeks. Parking restrictions will be in place on High Street. 
  • Dunlop Street - Road closure at junction with High Street from 26/2/24 for up to one week. 
  • Springwell Place - Road closure at junction with High Street to 82 Bridgend from 11/3/24 for three weeks.
  • Bridgend Road - closure from junction with Holm Road together with two-way traffic lights on Holm Road from 1/4/24 for two weeks. 
  • Cutstraw Road - A short section of Cutstraw Road is to be closed from the junction with Holm Road, together with two-way traffic lights on Holm Road from 15/4/24 for two weeks.

Why We Are Doing It 

There has been a history of sewer flooding in the town and the proposed improvements will help address sewer flooding and the distress and upset it causes. They will help: 

  • alleviate flooding in Stewarton.
  • significantly reduce sewer-related debris in the environment.
  • reduce discharges from the sewer network.
  • provide us with more reliable monitoring and reporting data. 

Latest Update 

June 2024

We have submitted a planning application with East Ayrshire Council for a significant flood prevention scheme for Stewarton.

If approved, the Barbours Park project will see the construction of a new ‘relocated’ screened Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) and underground tank capable of holding nearly a million litres of storm water.  This new CSO replaces an existing CSO in Bonnet Court.

Flows from the sewer network will be redirected to the storm storage tank when the sewers become overloaded due to heavy rainfall. It will be safely stored there until the weather has subsided, at which point the storm rain water will be pumped back into the sewer network and will flow downstream to be treated at the waste water treatment works.