Featured Articles

Scottish Water Unveils New Top Up Tap in Lochgilphead

Residents and visitors in Lochgilphead can now enjoy fresh, free drinking water on the go thanks to a new Top Up Tap installed by Scottish Water.

30 August 2024


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BLOG: Scotland's water: facing the climate challenge together - CEO Alex Plant

CEO Alex Plant shares his thoughts on the impact of climate change and the challenges we face around water resilience, efficiency and environmental performance.

01 August 2024

BLOG: Net Zero Routemap Annual Update - Gordon Reid

Gordon Reid talks about the progress we've made and plans for the future when it comes to our Net Zero Routemap

14 September 2021

BLOG: Reducing our Contribution - Simon Parsons

Simon Parsons talks about how in a world of uncertainty, we can be certain that climate change should be our priority

13 September 2021
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