
Busby Glen Sewer Upgrade Project to Re-start

Work is set to re-commence on the final stages of a project to improve the sewer network in Busby Glen, Giffnock


01 July 2022

Annan Investment to Prevent Future Flooding Nears Completion

A major £6.4 million Scottish Water upgrade, to help protect homes in Annan from sewer flooding, is nearing completion

30 June 2022

Road Traffic Management Date Change to Enable Major Giffnock Investment

We're advising road users of a change of date for a proposed road closure ahead of work to tackle sewer flooding in Giffnock, East Renfrewshire


23 June 2022

Peebles Water Works makes 200 mile Journey from the Highlands

The six-month countdown to completion for the new £multimillion Water Treatment Works in Peebles has started

21 June 2022

Scottish Water Intelligent Assets Helping Improve Service and Protect Environment

Investment in Scottish Water’s intelligent asset base on its waste water infrastructure is set to improve its service to customers, protect the environment, reduce costs and assist in its journey towards net zero carbon emissions.

20 June 2022

Nature-based solution proposed to tackle flooding in Downfield

Plans to reduce flooding in the Downfield area of Dundee using nature-based solutions have taken a firm step forward.

17 June 2022

Major Works to Tackle Sewer Flooding in Giffnock

We will begin a long-awaited project to help tackle sewer flooding in Giffnock, East Renfrewshire as schools close for summer

13 June 2022

Innovative ‘dual-sided’ solar scheme at Aberdeenshire treatment site

An innovative solar scheme which produces energy from both sides of a solar panel has been installed at a Scottish Water site to support the company’s drive towards net zero emissions.

01 June 2022

Information Event on Project to Tackle Flooding in Giffnock

We're holding an information event in Giffnock to update the local community on a significant investment project that is being planned to help tackle sewer flooding in the Braidholm Road area

31 May 2022

Major Sewer Upgrade Unveiled for Glasgow's Southside

Scottish Water is set to invest £750,000 upgrading the sewer network in the city’s Cathcart area to help reduce the risk of flooding

25 May 2022

Hydro Nation Scholars see innovation in action at Inverurie

As part of their summer school training programme, a group of 20 of the Scottish Government’s Hydro Nation Scholars attended Scottish Waters £21 million state-of-the-art Inverurie Waste Water Treatment Works, to learn more about the facility.

09 May 2022

Critically Endangered Species Given a Boost in the River Annan

 £40,000 environmental project to bring back the critically endangered European Eel to the River Annan has been completed

05 May 2022

Sewer Upgrade Opportunity for Emergency Services

Emergency services given rare opportunity for a live rescue exercise on a Scottish Water construction site

27 April 2022

Green Light for Major Sewer Flooding Investment in East Renfrewshire

We're gearing up to begin a £3 million project to address internal sewer flooding in Giffnock, Glasgow this summer

07 April 2022

Local MP Sees Turriff Water Investment Progress

Banff and Buchan MP David Duguid visited to see the investment that Scottish Water is making in the future of Turriff Water Treatment Works


06 April 2022