All News & Views Articles
Deputy First Minister Unveils New Green Heating in Dalmarnock
The Deputy First Minister has switched on an innovative new District Heating Network in the east end of Glasgow
01 June 2023Harnessing Hydropower at Hamilton Waste Water Treatment Works a First
The first of its kind in the UK, a pioneering project will see Scottish Water harness hydropower from waste water
26 May 2023Draining the rain in a changing climate
Every day we treat over 1billion litres of waste water from homes and businesses and return it safely to the environment
18 May 2023Underground overground sewer flood free
We are investing over £4million to upgrade an important sewer main serving an Ayrshire beauty spot
17 May 2023North East solar projects shine a light on net zero commitment
Two solar energy schemes have been completed in the North East by Scottish Water.
10 May 2023May Day Date for Vital A8 Works
We are reminding road users of vital enabling works on the A8 in Greenock as part of our £2.5million flood alleviation project
28 April 2023Solar Giant Switched on in East Dunbartonshire
A solar scheme of seismic proportions is now live at our most energy intensive site
26 April 2023Scottish Water celebrates UK plastic wipes ban
Scottish Water is today welcoming a major win for our Nature Calls campaign
04 April 2023Updated Overflow Data Published
Scottish Water data relating to waste water overflow events for the five year period of 2018-2022 has been published
30 March 2023Reservoir Rangers Welcome Visitors
New reservoir rangers team talk about life on patrol and welcoming visitors with advice in stunning new film
30 March 2023May Day Date for Delayed Vital Flood Alleviation Works
Our delayed works on the A8 in Greenock as part of a £2.5million flood alleviation project have now been rescheduled.
30 March 2023Scottish Water Top Up Tap at Heart of Helensburgh
We have officially launched our latest Top Up Tap so locals and visitors to Helensburgh can stay hydrated while enjoying spectacular views of the River Clyde.
28 March 2023Scottish Water Among Country’s Biggest Businesses to Help Launch Carbon Reducing Hub
Scottish Water is among a group of businesses from across Scotland to join forces to launch a new climate action initiative to accelerate the transition to a net zero future
27 March 2023Home Straight for Sewer Flooding Project
Our multi-million pound project to tackle sewer flooding in Giffnock, Glasgow is on the home straight with all major construction components close to completion.
16 March 2023Greater Green Goals for South Lanarkshire Facility
A Scottish Water facility in South Lanarkshire has doubled its green energy production with an extension of its original carbon reducing scheme
13 March 2023