All News & Views Articles
Scottish Water Celebrates Commitment to Carers in the Workplace
We're highlighting our 5 years as members of the Carer Positive initiative to support employees who are carers in the workplace
10 June 2024Combined Sewer Overflow Data Update
Annual data on overflows from the public waste water system have been published to meet our regulatory requirements and our commitment in the Improving Urban Waters Routemap
27 March 2024We're on a Mission - Celebrating Women in Scottish Water with Mechelle Barbour
Waste Water team leader Michelle Barbour is on a mission to encourage more women into operational roles
07 March 2024BLOG: Balancing Climate Change, Investment and Water Charges - Alex Plant CEO
Alex Plant, Scottish Water CEO, talks about the importance of charges to tackle the effects of climate change on investment needs
02 February 2024Improving Urban Water Quality "on track"
Latest report on improving urban water quality shows delivery “on track” and new data is published
21 December 2023More Investment Vital to Tackle Climate Change Impact
Latest performance report highlights need to address climate impact on water and waste water services
15 December 2023Partnership approach to cut FOG from Highland sewers
A new partnership approach to tackling the threat of fatbergs in city centre sewers is set to put the Highland Capital’s drains on a diet.
17 November 2023Industrial Action Response
Scottish Water response to impending strike action by union members
10 November 2023Update Following Second Day of ACAS Talks with Unions
Our statement after today's ACAS talks with unions
23 October 2023Bridge of Weir Open for Business as Sewer Upgrade Ramps Up
Bridge of Weir remains open for business as a our million pound project to tackle sewer flooding in Bridge of Weir enters a key phase.
Scottish Water Response to Drinking Water Quality Regulator Annual Report Findings
We have welcomed the Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland’s Drinking Water Quality in Scotland 2022 Public Water Supplies Annual Report
07 September 2023BLOG: Holly McPhee talks Net Zero milestones in Scottish Water Fleet on World EV Day
Scottish Water's electric fleet has hit a major milestone in Net Zero ambitions, says project manager Holly McPhee
07 September 2023Customer Views Driving our Future Priorities
Scottish Water customers are being given the chance to have their say in how a record amount of investment in Scotland’s water and waste water networks should be spent
17 August 2023E-Van Hits the Road in Net Zero Challenge
Scottish Water team hits the road for epic road rally to celebrate electric vehicles
11 August 2023