Piped by Us, Owned by You

Did you know that Scottish Water belongs to you? Yes, it truly does. Scottish Water is publicly owned, so every penny we make is reinvested – currently around £800m a year in infrastructure to keep our water the way you like it. 

Our Piped by Us, Owned by You  campaign celebrates the world-class water that we sometimes take for granted. But we all miss it when we go away. And we are rightly proud of it.  

But with climate change comes greater challenges – it isn’t as simple as collecting rain and sending it to your taps. We have over 4,500 staff working night and day to deliver fresh, cool, clear water to your homes and businesses. 

Owned by You

WATCH our video. Every drop you put in goes to operating and improving essential water and wastewater services in communities across Scotland.

Play an Owner's Part

With your help, we can make a difference. Please remember that water is always worth saving. Whether it’s a hot summer day, or a dreich December night, it takes energy and resources to collect, treat, and deliver water to your home. So only use what you need. It’s yours, so don’t waste it.


Water Saving Advice

Learn more about simple tips to save water in your home

Find out more

Delivering World Class Water to You 

Every day we deliver over 1.5 billion litres of clear, fresh drinking water to your taps. Our services support communities across Scotland; delivering water to more than 5 million customers, over 30,000 miles of water pipes across 2,000 treatment works. 
On average, people in Scotland use approximately 180 litres of water per day. Many may think that water is plentiful in Scotland, but in fact, the picture varies for different regions. Only 1% of the rain that falls across Scotland is captured by Scottish Water reservoirs, meaning there is increased strain on replenishing the supply in drier areas.
The quality of our drinking water in Scotland is high – we carry out, on average, one quality test every two minutes. Find out more about water quality.