What we are doing

Scottish Water is planning major sewer network upgrades around Lord Ancrum Woods, Easthouses to improve local water courses.

Starting Monday 25th March, the publicly owned utility will be upgrading the sewer network near to the local football pitches. The project will involve replacing and installing a new Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) with a powered screen, control kiosk and outfall pipe and a new section of sewer.

The work, which will take around 5 months to complete, will help to improve the water environment in the Mary Burn by preventing items that are wrongly flushed down toilets such as wet wipes, sanitary items and other sewage related debris from entering the river.

In order to carry out the works, some bushes and shrubs along Easthouses Road will be removed to install a new sewer. Pedestrian access will be maintained and access to the football clubs will remain open.

During the second phase of the works starting 22nd April for 5 weeks, a short section of Easthouses Road will be closed and a diversion will be in place via the B6482.

Why we are doing this

This project forms part of a larger investment outlined in Scottish Water’s Improving Urban Waters Routemap which will see improvements to CSOs across Scotland, enhanced monitoring of the sewer systems, a reduction in sewage-related debris ending up in rivers, and a reduction in overflows. 

For more information on what CSOs are and how they work see the FAQ in the links below: