
Road Traffic Management 

Kirkness Street in Airdrie is closed at its junction with Bore Road, following a collapsed sewer nearby. 
A sewer pipe collapsed in the grassy area opposite.
Our contractors Clancy have set up over-pumping to carry the flows away from the damaged waste water pipe to prevent any further sewer flooding. For the over-pumping to operate, it has been necessary to close Kirkness Street at its junction with Bore Road. Drivers are urged to follow the diversion in place. 
While our contractors Clancy mobilised to site last week and began to carry out works, we have had to halt the works temporarily following an environmental survey which was carried out on receiving information about water voles in the area. Water vole burrows are protected, and any sort of construction work is prohibited within 10m of a burrow. The work required here to repair the damaged sewer in the grassy area does fall within this 10m restriction. A disturbance licence is required and we have been liaising with Nature Scotland to ensure all environmental procedures are followed. 
While this will cause a slight delay to the works being completed, we take our environmental responsibilities extremely seriously and the work simply cannot continue until we are confident all procedures have been followed. 
Meantime, we thank everyone for their patience and understanding while restrictions are in place. As soon as we have the licence approved and can continue with the works in a safe and responsible manner, the team will work as quickly and as safely as possible to get things back to normal for local residents.