project statys delivery

Project Overview

We are upgrading the sewer network in Beauly to help reduce the risk of sewer flooding in the area.

This upgrade involves the construction of a new sewer from the existing pumping station off Maple Vale along to Station Road.

Our alliance partner, Caledonia Water Alliance, will be delivering this project, with Pat Munro Ltd carrying out the construction.

At a glance:

  • Sewer network upgrades in Beauly
  • £615,000 investment
  • Work began on Mon 23 Sep 
  • Approx. 4 months

A quiet suburban street with single-story houses on either side, lined with fences and small gardens. A few cars are parked along the road. In the distance, green hills and trees stretch across the horizon under a bright blue sky with scattered clouds.

Significant investment in Beauly

Work began on Monday 23 September to upgrade the sewer between Maple Vale and Station Road in Beauly.

What are we doing?

On Monday 23 September we began work on installing approximately 450m of new sewer from the existing pumping station off Maple Vale.

The new sewer will run from Maple Vale, along Beaufort Gardens to Station Road, and work is expected to take approximately 16 weeks to complete.

During this time, to ensure the safety of the public and our site team, there will be a rolling road closure in place. Local diversions will be in place, and we would ask everyone to please follow all signs.

Temporary restrictions on vehicle access and on-street parking may occur as the project progresses, but pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Our site team will do all they can to keep disruption to a minimum.

Our site compound will be located on the grassed area between Maple Vale and Aird Road, adjacent to the play park. This will be used for our site cabins and storage and will be securely fenced off.

A map of a suburban area highlighting the route of a new rising main sewer to be constructed in Beauly. The approximate sewer route is marked in red, starting at Maple Vale, continuing through Beaufort Gardens, and ending at Station Road. Key points on the map include an existing pumping station near the River Beauly, and a play park near Maple Vale. The image also contains a red box with text outlining construction details: road closures, fenced-off working areas, and maintained pedestrian access.

New sewer route

The new sewer will be installed from Maple Vale, along Beaufort Gardens and up to Station Road.

Why are we doing this?

The existing pumping station located off of Maple Vale has a history of several bursts which have caused various levels of sewer flooding issues in the area.

By upgrading the sewer network we are able to help reduce the risk of sewer flooding, while ensuring a more reliable network for our customers now and into the future.

We would like to thank our customers for their patience and understanding while we carry out these essential upgrades.