Project Overview

Scottish Water has invested £4 million in Wick to ensure we can continue to supply customers with clear, fresh drinking water into the future.

This project was delivered by Scottish Water’s alliance partner Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA) and work started in September 2021. Work on this project was temporarily postponed in April 2022 until June 2022 due to a national shortage of bitumen, which is used in hot tar to reinstate road and footpath surfaces.

This project was completed in November 2023 with flushing works now taking place and due to be completed in the coming months (weather dependent).


At a Glance

  • Water mains renewal

  • £4m investment

  • Delivered by Caledonia Water Alliance 

  • Completed in November 2023


Wick harbour

Investing in Wick

Scottish Water has invested £4m in Wick to upgrade the water main network

What did we do? 

The work involved replacing approximately 15km of water main throughout Wick and flushing almost 25km of water mains.  

The mains replacement works were a combination of open cut replacement and slip lining techniques.  

The work was carried out on a rolling basis over the course of the programme and traffic management and road closures were in place to allow it to be completed safely.  

Flushing works are now currently being carried out and are due to be completed in the coming months (weather dependent).

You may experience a change in water pressure and/or discoloured water. If this happens, turn on the cold water tap in your kitchen and let the water flow slowly until it runs clear.