project statys delivery

Project Overview

Scottish Water is investing in the water infrastructure in Aberdeen with a £8M upgrade to the existing Mannofield Water Treatment Works (WTW) to improve the resilience and function of the treatment works, ensuring we can supply fresh clear drinking water into the future.


At a Glance

  • Upgrade to WTW
  • £8m investment
  • Delivered by ESD 
  • Duration of main work: April 2022 - Sept 2024

Mannofield Water Treatment Works

What are we doing?


Scottish Water is investing in the water infrastructure in Aberdeen with a £8M upgrade to the existing Mannofield Water Treatment Works (WTW). This work involves the construction of a new mixer chamber along with associated pipework, as well as new mechanical and electrical equipment to be installed within the existing building. This will improve the resilience and function of the treatment works ensuring we can supply fresh clear drinking water into the future.


When are we doing it?

Our main work will be ongoing until July 2024, this work includes; construction of the mixer chamber, demolition works within the existing Scottish Water building, deep excavations, diverting existing pipes and services as well as installing new pipework.

We will also be carrying out filter repair works within the existing Scottish Water building from March 2024 through to Sept 2025. As this work is taking place within the Scottish Water building, there will be minimal impact and noise.


What happens next?

You may hear an increase in noise while we carry out the excavations.

You may see an increase in construction traffic during this time.

All wagon drivers have been briefed on the correct access route and speed limits to be adhered to.



Latest Update

The essential nature of the work we are carrying out, and the need to meet timescale commitments made to the Drinking Water Quality Regulator, mean that it is necessary for us to extend our on-site working hours.

This involves our site working hours being extended to 7am–6pm on weekdays starting from 11th March, as well as working some Saturday mornings if required. Our site team will do their best to ensure minimal disruption and will endeavour to keep any intrusive activities to during the usual working day.

We thank our customers for their understanding whilst we carry out this essential upgrade work.

Project Update Letter

Click below to download the latest project update letter.
