project page status delivery

Project Overview 

We are investing £2 million to upgrade the water network serving customers in Tore and surrounding communities.

This project has seen almost 5km of existing water mains replaced to ensure customers continue to receive clear, fresh drinking water in the coming years and reduce the chance of pipes bursting.

The main work of this project was completed in September 2023 and now only has remedial reinstatement work to complete, which is due to be carried out in April 2024. 

At a Glance

  • Water network upgrade

  • £2m investment

  • Delivered by CWA and Pat Munro

  • Expected completion April 2024


£2m investment

The project will see almost 5km of existing water main replaced.

Why We Are Doing This 

This project will ensure we can continue to provide customers in the area with fresh, clear great tasting water for years to come, as well as providing a more reliable service and reducing the chance of burst on the network.

What We are Doing

Work to replace the existing water mains has now been completed and remedial reinstatement work is planned to be completed in April 2024.

To allow work to be completed safety, traffic management measures will be put in place, including the use of temporary traffic lights, road closures, speed restrictions and parking restrictions.

The project may also involve some short, planned interruptions to water supplies in the area as new sections of water main are brought into service, but efforts will be made to keep this to a minimum. Residents and businesses will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of any planned interruption affecting their supply.  

The project is being delivered on Scottish Water’s behalf by alliance partner Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA) and local contractor Pat Munro.

We appreciate that the need for traffic management measures and the potential for planned interruptions to water supplies as work progresses may cause some inconvenience but our team on site will do all they can to keep this to a minimum.

Our thanks to those affected for their patience and understanding while the project is underway.