Investing in Balmaha Waste Water Treatment Works

Project status prepare

Project Overview

We are preparing to invest in the future of Balmaha Waste Water Treatment Works in Stirlingshire.

The planned project in Balmaha will increase the treatment capacity of the existing works and thereby help improve the resilience of the local waste water network. 

It will also help protect the environment in and around Loch Lomond. 

At a Glance 

  • Multi-million-pound investment
  • Future-proofing waste water services
  • Enabling growth 
  • Protecting local environment

Balmaha Waste Water Treatment Works

WATCH: Our short film shows the proposed investment project that's being planned to future-proof our waste water services in Balmaha and help protect the environment.

Why are we doing this? 

We are preparing to invest in the future of Balmaha Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) in Stirlingshire.

Greater demand is expected to be placed on the waste water network in Balmaha, with increased growth in the area including new housing developments and holiday lets. The existing works must be upgraded to ensure it is fit for purpose and can deal with increased capacity on our waste water services in the area. The above video provides a project overview and our plans for the area.

What are we doing? 

We will continue to work through the planning process and beyond to manage the impacts of our work while delivering these much needed improvements for the local area. 

As part of this process, we engaged with the local community and invited local residents and stakeholders along to a community information event at The Oak Tree Inn on Wednesday 15 November. 

This was a drop in event and will gave people the chance to speak to the project team and learn more about the planned works.   

For anyone unable to attend, project documents which were displayed at the event can be viewed here:  

Balmaha Information Event

View the posters from our drop-in community information event

View documents