Project status prepare

Project overview

This is a potential project which would see over 20km of water pipe installed to serve a proposed hydrogen production plant near Edderton.  

The pipe would run from an existing ‘raw’ water storage tank near Newmore Water Treatment Works, north of Invergordon, to the proposed plant east of the Beinn Tharsuinn wind farm, joining the B9176 Struie Road at Ardross and following it north to the wind farm access road. Three pumping stations would also be installed as part of the project, at various stages along the route.   

Water feedstock supply is needed for the production of green hydrogen via electrolysis, a process by which water is broken down using renewable electricity to release hydrogen and oxygen.

Scottish Water’s commercial subsidiary, Scottish Water Horizons, is developing the proposed new water infrastructure on behalf of ScottishPower and Storegga who have already applied for planning consent for the Cromarty Hydrogen Project

Further information

Find out more about the Cromarty Hydrogen Water Connection project

Information Event Posters
The proposed route of the new water main

New water main

The 20km water main would provide raw water for the proposed hydrogen plant near to Edderton.


We held a drop in consultation event on Tuesday, 27 February from 3pm to 7.30pm at Ardross Hall which included a presentation about the proposal, as well as the opportunity to ask questions or discuss the pipeline project with representatives from the project team, ahead of a formal planning application being submitted to The Highland Council. The posters from this event can be found at the top of this page. 

A further consultation event on the water pipeline plans will be held at Ardross Hall on Tuesday 23rd April, from 3pm to 7.30pm. Feedback received via the consultation 
will help us as we prepare to apply for planning consent for the proposed new water main. You can also submit feedback online - responses should be received by 7th May.