Tay Street and Shore Road Sewer Upgrade

A significant project is currently being delivered at Tay Street and Shore Road which involves the installation of an upgraded sewer pipeline with a diameter of 2.2 metres . This section of ‘super sewer’ will play a key role in supporting the city’s continuing growth, while also reducing the risk of sewer flooding affecting low-lying areas near the Tay between Muirton and the city centre.


This work is being delivered on Scottish Water’s behalf by its capital project delivery partner Caledonia Water Alliance. 

Click the video below to find out more information on this project.

Tay Street, Perth

By super-sizing a 500 metre section of the trunk sewer next tothe River Tay, we can provide additional capacity for new development while also alleviating flood risk that affects our customers. Photo credit: Paul Milligan.

Tay Street Latest Update

The majority of the sewer upgrade on Tay Street has been completed alongside a full kerb to kerb road reinstatement carried out by Perth and Kinross Council. This section of the road is now partially open with the over pumping relocated near to the Independent Advocacy as pictured below.

Tay Street Traffic Management

Tay Street is partially open, acting as a cul-de-sac. Entry and Exit is from the junction of Canal Street with Tay Street remaining closed at the Railway Bridge. The traffic lights have been reactivated at the Canal Street Junction to control flow of traffic in/out of Tay Street North. On street parking has also been reinstated and available to use within the available cul-de-sac. 

We would like to thank the businesses for their patience and co-operation while we worked through this vital section of the project. 

Drone image showing Tay St following the super-sewer upgrade

Tay Street as of June 2024

This drone image shows the current layout of Tay St following the sewer upgrades and council's road reinstatement. The new location of the over-pumping station can also be seen on the left hand side of the image outside the Independent Advocacy building.

Shore Road Latest Update

Work in Shore Road progressed well, the sewer pipes have been laid as far as the north entrance to South Inch car park. 

Shore Road Traffic Management

The diversion for Shore Road is south via Friarton before turning right onto Edinburgh Road and following this towards the city centre, while the alternative exit route for HGVs only is still in operation via the roadway at the southern edge of the Lesser South Inch and will be in place until the end of the project.

Entry and Exit from the South Inch Car Park is from the top end of Shore Road via Marshall Place utilising the previous exit only. This will flip and Entry and Exit will be from the South via Friarton Road during this final phase of Shore Road Works approx. this summer. Please follow all signs. 

Please note the car park is now Pay and Display as installed and operated by Perth and Kinross Council. 

Pedestrian and cycle access will be maintained, including access to Moncrieffe Island via the railway bridge.

Local businesses remain open as usual throughout.

Community Engagement

We carried out a well attended information event at the Salutation Hotel in April 2023 to discuss the project with the Perth community. This event gave us the chance to show our information boards detailing the project and the necessary road closures that would be in place as well as answering any questions from the public.

Since then we have promoted the project and road closures significantly through use of news, radio, and social media advertising. We have also continued to regularly update our website with the most up to date project information.

The project team will continue to keep residents and businesses informed and respond to feedback throughout the delivery of the project, while a community liaison group was formed for the Tay St aspect of the project which allowed our team to regularly meet and have discussions with members of the community and stakeholders through the most impactful stage of the work.