Emergency Road Closure to Enable Repairs To Waste Water Infrastructure, East Kilbride

A road closure is in place on a section of Philipshill Road, East Kilbride to allow repairs be carried out on waste water infrastructure near to Philipshill Waste Water Treatment Works and The National Museum of Rural Life.
Access to the museum is unaffected. Local diversions are in place and road users are urged to follow signage.
Scale of emergency works near to Philipshill WWTW

Emergency Works 

Given the location, these emergency works are proving extremely challenging for our contractors. This picture illustrates the scale of the  works involved.  


Overpumping at the sump 


Overpumping from the damaged infrastructure

Sewer pipe infrastructure collapsed in a field near to Philipshill Waste Water Treatment Works and resulted in waste water entering the Kittoch Water.
Since we were first made aware, we have been working round the clock to assess the full extent of the damage and to plan effective repairs.
Mitigation measures were put in place as soon as possible to help reduce any environmental impact and additional measures have been introduced as the works have progressed. Additional temporary pumps are now fully operational at the site. They have put a stop to the waste water entering the Kittoch Water from the damaged infrastructure.

A temporary excavation has been created in the field - referred to as a 'sump'. Flows are being intercepted and diverted from the damaged waste water infrastructure by being pumped there, prior to being pumped into Philipshill WWTW. This system will remain in operation until the temporary gravity by-pass is up and running and can then take over. All excavations and work areas are safely fenced off. 
With steep slopes and dense woodland, the topography of the land where the issue has occurred has brought many challenges. This has been further compounded by third party services which have had to be given full consideration.
Some trees have had to be removed to create safe working conditions and create clear access to our work site. Ecologists have been assisting our team to ensure full cognisance has been taken of any wildlife in the area. We continue to liaise with The Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
Philipshill Road will remain closed until it is safe to re-open. At this moment in time, we are unable to give any definite timescales.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank everyone for their patience and understanding during these emergency works.
Scale of emergency works in woodland near to Philipshill WWTW

Dense Woodland

This picture illustrates the efforts required to access the damaged waste water infrastructure near to Philipshill Waste Water Treatment Works. Some trees have had to be removed to create safe working conditions and create clear access to our work site. Ecologists have been assisting our team to ensure full cognisance has been taken of any wildlife in the area.