Domestic Smart Monitoring FAQs
Domestic Smart Monitors Explained
Yes, but we are focussing on helping you monitor your water use. Meters are often linked to billing and charges which this project is not considering.
Instead, the aim is to provide detailed insights into water consumption to promote better water efficiency and conservation.
Domestic Smart Monitor Installation Explained
Monitoring older properties provides the opportunity to identify and resolve leakage on the supply pipe going into your property and improve our understanding of opportunities elsewhere in the country.
We are installing just over 400 new boundary boxes at these properties, and we will minimise any inconvenience and disruption for you and your neighbours
If we are installing a new boundary box your water supply will be off for no more than two hours while we install and connect everything back up.
If we have to dig to install a boundary box we may take between two and four hours to complete the job. If we dig through tarmac, final reinstatement will be completed at another time but we will do this as quickly as possible to remove barriers surrounding the dig site.
Suez UK, a European leader in smart water monitoring services, will install the communication network and provide your access to the data.
We will install your monitor in an existing boundary box, or one will be provided, on the pavement next to your property. We do this as it is the closest point between our pipe network and the pipework you own as it crosses your property boundary.
We won't ask to come into your home to fit a monitor.
The radio waves from a smart monitor represent a very small fraction of the total amount we come into contact with each day.
The Trial Process Explained
The lessons from Dundee will shape future national strategies around water use for the long-term.
Working together with Scottish Water we can track patterns, spot issues and identify ways in which improvements can be implemented that make Dundee a water efficient city.
Until we have the results of the trial, we will not be able to say if providing better water use information leads to a significant and sustainable reduction in water use.
If the benefits outweigh the costs we will consider rolling out in the areas where we project future water supply risks first.
There is also a good number of newer homes where we can install a monitor without digging, older homes where we can test more complex installation, and the area is a suitable location to test the communication network required.
Dundee City is also very active in leading discussions and projects around net zero and sustainability, so we want to support that and collaborate with other projects.
It also provides assurance that this is a research project that may not be extended beyond this timescale.
We will however report throughout on the volumes measured and any benefits gained.
The information that can be drawn from smart monitors will help us target leakage reduction more effectively. For example, if the smart monitor recognises a continuous flow of water overnight it is likely there is a leak between the monitor and the house or within the house. If we see this, we can support you to identify and fix the leak.
Encouraging customers to value water and only use what they need is a more efficient and sustainable solution than finding or creating new water sources.
Reduced consumption also brings additional benefits, such as a lower carbon emissions and reduced household energy bills.
We can also send our new customer a letter explaining that the previous occupier was part of a trial and that we would love them to continue that.
This is part of our ongoing research to ensure we continue providing an excellent water service well into the future.
We will also be analysing the information provided to see where there are opportunities to use less or waste less water. For example, if we identify a continuous flow of water overnight at your property, we will contact you to find out more and hopefully help resolve what is likely to be a leak either in your garden or within your home.
We will also use the information to support analysis of the trial to determine if we should roll smart monitoring out further across Scotland.
We will have your address details and your water monitor data.
Beyond this there may be a reason for us to contact you, but this doesn’t mean we will record any further personal details such as name and number of people living at your address. If we do, we will ask your permission before we collect and store this information.
No, you don’t, but it would be great if you could participate and help inform future water use strategy in Scotland.
If you have a question that hasn’t been answered here, please get in touch at and a member of the team will get back to you.
If you don’t want to be part of the trial you can opt out here
We might also reach out if we notice something unusual. We'd appreciate your help in determining whether it's genuine water use or a potential leak or misuse of water.