Emergencies and Unplanned Changes to Services
Scottish Water carries out extensive emergency and contingency planning to ensure any emergency, such as an interruption to supply, is either averted or efficiently controlled. We closely monitor any potential incidents so we can respond appropriately.
Where you have concerns you should contact your Licensed Provider. If you are unsure who this is, check your bills which will be issued by your Licensed Provider. In an emergency situation only, you can also contact Scottish Water direct on 0800 077 8778. This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Potential public health or emergency issues include:
• Water quality
• No water
• Water pressure problems
• Burst main or water leak
• Water in gas pipes
• Sewer flooding and pollution incidents
• Damage to Scottish Water infrastructure (such as a broken manhole cover)
You can also sign up for text alerts here: Sign Up for Alerts · Scottish Water to be kept updated with service issues in your area. Scottish Water’s website Service Updates - Scottish Water and social media feeds Scottish Water (@scottish_water) / X can be a useful source of information to keep up to date with incidents.