
Seafield reaches Renewable Energy Milestone

Scotland’s largest, waste water treatment works is now generating all of its own power and supplying enough surplus renewable electricity to power 800 homes each day

31 January 2023

Self Generating Skellyton Now Online

A Scottish Water treatment works in South Lanarkshire is partially powering itself thanks to green energy.

20 January 2023

Super Solar Scheme Underway in East Dunbartonshire

Our most ambitious solar energy scheme to date is now under construction at our most energy intensive asset

30 September 2022

BLOG: Greener Miles Make Scottish Water Fleet Better for Environment - Holly McPhee

This #ScotClimateWeek Holly talks about how we're trying reduce emissions when it comes to our fleet

29 September 2022

Drones and Laser Technology Cut Carbon Emissions

State-of-the art drones and lasers are being used to improve Scotland’s sewers

28 September 2022

Net Zero Routemap Update Published

Half of emissions associated with the delivery of Scotland’s water and waste water services have been cut.

26 September 2022

Innovative ‘dual-sided’ solar scheme at Aberdeenshire treatment site

An innovative solar scheme which produces energy from both sides of a solar panel has been installed at a Scottish Water site to support the company’s drive towards net zero emissions.

01 June 2022

Council Commits to Reduced Carbon 'Food-Print'

A Scots council has renewed a two-year contract to send its food waste to be used to generate renewable energy.

04 May 2022

Skellyton Green Energy Scheme

Scottish Water has applied for planning permission to allow green energy to power a South Lanarkshire waste water treatment works.

11 April 2022

Battery Storage First for Scottish Water in Net Zero Drive

Work is now complete on the first large-scale battery storage project to accelerate Scottish Water's drive towards net zero emissions by 2040

11 February 2022

Graduates and Apprentices to Help Scotland's Drinking and Waste Water Services Go Greener

More than 1,000 graduates and apprentices will help transform Scotland’s drinking and waste water services making them greener and fit for future generations

08 February 2022

Green Graduate Case Studies

Case studies from some of our graduates who are helping transform our services making them greener and fit for future generations

08 February 2022

We Love Deerdykes to the Moon and Back (12 Times!)

Scotland's first large-scale food waste recycling centre celebrates 50GHW green energy milestone

31 January 2022

Keep COP26 in Mind in the Kitchen This Christmas

We're urging customers to build on the momentum gained at the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow and play a part in cutting carbon emissions from food waste this Christmas

16 December 2021

Ground-Breaking Green Heating Network Hosts German Minister

A German energy minister visiting Scotland for COP26 has praised a pioneering low carbon District Heating Network partnership between Scottish Water and Stirling Council during a special visit.

12 November 2021