Kirkcaldy Loves Topping Up from the Tap

17 September 2024
Raith Rovers and Fife Flyers players as well as local councillors pictured under Kirkcaldy love heart sculpture

Local Kirkcaldy sports stars and stakeholders love their new tap

Fife Flyers and Raith Rovers players as well as local councillors were delighted with the towns new Top Up Tap and their Scottish Water refillable bottles

“We are delighted to have a Top Up Tap installed at Kirkcaldy Esplanade, marking another valuable improvement to our ever-evolving waterfront, of which we are immensely proud. ”

Alistair Cameron
Fife Councillor (Kirkcaldy Central Ward)
Local sports stars were in attendance as Scottish Water launched its latest Top Up Tap at Kirkcaldy Esplanade this week, making it an event to remember for the community.  

In attendance were representatives from Raith Rovers, Fife Flyers, Kirkcaldy Wizards, Greener Kirkcaldy, Fife Leisure Trust, and many local stakeholders, all helping to promote this new feature at the waterfront, which will allow the community to stay hydrated on the go. 

With well over 100 taps across Scotland and 6 installed at a variety of locations across Fife, the initiative supports not only personal health and well-being but also environmental conservation by reducing the reliance on single-use plastic bottles. The taps are also fitted with smart technology that monitors usage and sends alerts if any issues are detected.   

Councillor Alistair Cameron, who was a key campaigner for Kirkcaldy’s Top Up Tap, said: “We are delighted to have a Top Up Tap installed at Kirkcaldy Esplanade, marking another valuable improvement to our ever-evolving waterfront, of which we are immensely proud. 

“Since Scottish Water launched its countrywide Top Up Tap programme, I have been in regular contact with the publicly owned utility to ensure that Kirkcaldy was included. The Esplanade is an ideal location for this tap and will benefit the thousands of walkers and runners who use this popular area each week.” 
The people of Kirkcaldy pictured at their new Top Up Tap
Raith Rovers players and Mascot at new tap
Greener Kirkcaldy at Tap
Running club, Kirkcaldy Wizards at the Top Up Tap

Great turn out at Kirkcaldy's new Top Up Tap

Many members of the community including the Kirkcaldy Wizards and Greener Kirkcaldy were in attendence.

“As athletes, we know how essential it is to stay hydrated, so having a Top Up Tap in our community is fantastic. It not only supports those of us who are active but also helps reduce plastic waste and encourages sustainable practices.

This tap will make a real difference to everyone in Kirkcaldy, whether they’re walking, running, or just out enjoying the waterfront.”

Todd Dutiaume
Fife Flyers General Manager

Scottish Water’s Communications and Engagement Consultant, Kieran Johnston said: "Kirkcaldy has always been in our plans for a Top Up Tap installation, and we’ve been truly overwhelmed by the positive feedback and community support since its launch. 

"The sense of community pride and enthusiasm for this initiative was evident at our launch event, where a fantastic turnout from both local residents and sports clubs reinforced just how much this tap will mean to the area. 

"As a token of our appreciation for the community’s ongoing support of our initiatives, we handed out over 100 free refillable bottles, encouraging everyone to make the most of our newest tap and stay hydrated on the go." 

The Top Up Tap will have significant benefits for people's health with the various local sports clubs getting right behind the initiative. Raith Rovers captain Scott Brown and centre half Callum Fordyce were in attendance as well as Fife Flyers players Daniel Krenzelok, Martin Látal and General Manager Todd Dutiaume. 

Todd Dutiaume, shared his excitement for the new installation: “As athletes, we know how essential it is to stay hydrated, so having a Top Up Tap in our community is fantastic. It not only supports those of us who are active but also helps reduce plastic waste and encourages sustainable practices.  

“This tap will make a real difference to everyone in Kirkcaldy, whether they’re walking, running, or just out enjoying the waterfront.” 

Since the introduction of the first Top Up Tap at the Scottish Parliament in 2018, communities across Scotland have embraced the convenience and environmental benefits of refilling reusable bottles rather than purchasing bottled water.  

The taps have dispensed the equivalent of 10million bottles across Scotland, highlighting their popularity and the positive impact they are having and you can find out more about the campaign and where to find your nearest Top Up Tap at