Scottish Water Unveils New Top Up Tap in Lochgilphead

30 August 2024

“It was a delight to be at the opening of the Top Up Tap, which is a real testament to the power of community and the importance of accessible resources. It was refreshing to see the youth, energised by their love for sports like football and shinty, come together to support such a valuable initiative. ”

Provest Dougie Philand
Argyll & Bute Council
Residents and visitors in Lochgilphead can now enjoy fresh, free drinking water on the go thanks to a new Top Up Tap installed by Scottish Water.  
The Top Up Taps, easily recognizable by their bright blue color, offer a convenient way for residents and visitors to refill their water bottles on the go, free of charge. The tap, located near Front Green, Lochgilphead, (PA31 8LH) is the perfect location to enjoy the picturesque views while refilling a reusable bottle. 

With over 132 taps across Scotland and 9 installed at a variety of locations across Argyle and Bute, the initiative supports not only personal health and well-being but also environmental conservation by reducing the reliance on single-use plastic bottles. The taps are also fitted with smart technology that monitors usage and sends alerts if any issues are detected.  
Group of adults and children posing behind brand new water refill station

Councillor Jan Brown and Provest Dougie Philand celebrate the launch of newest Top Up Tap with kids from local sports club

Despite the weather, there were smiles all round from those who made it along to the launch

Lewis Peacock, Scottish Water operative and coach of the local football team is delighted with the towns new addition, he said; 

“It’s a privilege to be at the opening of the Top Up Tap. I think it’s a fantastic addition to Lochgilphead new front green.

“This is for everyone to use, and I think the community of Lochgilphead and further afield will use the Top Up Tap often with the different events held at the front green like the Celtic and Pictish Festival. Overall, I think it’s a good thing for the town and I’m proud to be apart of it.”

Scottish Water’s Your Water Your Life campaign encourages people to carry a refillable water bottle and drink tap water on the go to benefit their health, save money and protect the planet. Find out more about the campaign and where to find  your nearest Top Up Tap at