Halfway Point Reached to Reline Renfrew Rising Main

25 July 2024
Kings Inch Road Sewer Upgrade

New Pipe Within A Pipe

The liner is lifted into position and then drawn through the existing pipe through an access pit

The first phase of Scottish Water’s multi-million-pound project to upgrade a burst-prone rising main in Renfrew has reached the halfway point.

The publicly owned utility is relining nearly a kilometre of pipework running under King’s Inch Road between Ferry Road and Crofton Way following a spate of bursts.

Scottish Water Alliance Manager Robert Archer said: “This is a significant milestone for a project that will deliver peace of mind to our customers and protect the environment.

“We have completed relining the section of rising main through the access pit at Andrew Avenue and are now focussing on the section to the north.

“We are extremely grateful to customers – particularly those living close to the access pits – given the lining process has required some lengthy working hours.

“They have shown great patience and understanding throughout the works and their co-operation has been both welcome and appreciated.”

King's Inch Road Sewer Upgrade

A giant crane is used to lift the liner into place

King's Inch Road Sewer Upgrade

The liner forms a new pipe inside the existing pipe

The final part of this first phase of the project will centre on the excavation on King’s Inch Road between Mulberry Road and Redshank Way.

Beginning on Monday 29 July for two weeks, it will require working late on Wednesday 31 July and Wednesday 7 August, and overnight on Thursday 1 August and Thursday 8 August.

All affected residents have been sent letters, text alerts have been issued and all appropriate measures taken to minimise any distress or disruption.

The second phase of the project will ultimately see a further kilometre of sewer upgraded.

The work is being delivered by Scottish Water’s alliance partner Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA) and their specialist contractors Environmental Techniques. 

It is expected to be completed by November 2024.