Fundraising Wonder-Woman signs up for Munro Challenge 2024

15 May 2024
Jo Hedley celebrates reaching the top of a Munro. She smiles with her arms outstretched at the peak with blue skies and the sun shining behind her.

Jo up a Munro

Jo Hedley celebrates as she reaches the top of a Munro with spectacular views and sunshine.

Trainee Solicitor and fundraiser extraordinaire, Jo Hedley is teaming up with a Scottish Water friend to take on the mighty mountain Derry Cairngorm as part of the WaterAid Munro Challenge 2024.

From jumping out of planes and abseiling the Falkirk Wheel dressed as Wonder-Woman, to walking across hot coals, Jo has done it all in the name of charity.

When Scottish Water’s E&M maintenance technician, Andrew Steel mentioned at their hiking group that he was registering a team to take on WaterAid Munro Challenge 2024, Jo did not need a second invitation and signed up immediately.

The team of 7 will be putting themselves up against Derry Cairngorm, the iconic peak which is 14 miles west of Braemar and the 21st highest Munro standing at 3789ft (1155m).

A man and woman smile as they skydive with clear blue skies behind them and a view of the land below.

Jo’s 2019 Skydive for a homeless charity.

A woman stands smiling with a sign that reads "I Walked on Fire!".

Jo in 2023 after completing her walk over fire for charity.

“I always try to do some form of fundraising every year and when Andrew explained to me the vital work which WaterAid carry out and the chance to raise funds through the Munro Challenge, it was a no brainer for me to make this my first fundraising event of 2024.”

Jo Hedley

Jo found her first Munro, Ben Nevis in 2021 very challenging, however since joining a hiking club and meeting Andrew she has since bagged over 30 Munros, loving the camaraderie of completing them as part of a team or with her dog, Roxie.

“I always try to do some form of fundraising every year and when Andrew explained to me the vital work which WaterAid carry out and the chance to raise funds through the Munro Challenge, it was a no brainer for me to make this my first fundraising event of 2024.”

Jo works at Law Firm, Garden Stirling Burnet, but always finds time to feed her adventurous side. She is a keen mountain biker, however this has recently taken a back pedal following her newfound love of hill climbing.

While her remarkable fundraising work has seen her support a whole range of charities over the years with last year being a particularly busy one.

“I’m glad I have more time to prepare for this challenge than when I abseiled from the Falkirk Wheel last year. I was only asked if I could participate less than 2 days prior to the event, and before I knew what was happening, I was dressed as Wonder-Woman abseiling from 100ft!”

Even with such short notice Jo was still able to raise over £400 through this event, while later that year, Jo’s adrenaline was sky high again as she faced the challenge of walking over flaming hot coal.

She explained: “I will never forget the feeling of pure fear right before taking that first step. However, knowing you are doing these challenges for charity gives you that extra incentive to push forward even when every fibre in your body is telling you to stop.”

Scottish Water’s Andrew Steel was the first to sign up for the Munro Challenge 2024 before recruiting Joanne to join his team of 7.

Andrew said: “I’m not sure if Jo will be dressed as Wonder-Woman when we arrive at the top of Derry Cairngorm but one thing I can guarantee is that she will be putting 100% effort into this challenge, like she has done with all her other brilliant charity work over the years.

“She is just the sort of character you want in your team ahead of a challenge like this and our group can’t wait for June 8th to get started.”

Money raised through Munro Challenge 2024 is supporting WaterAid's vital work in Rwanda and you can sign up like Jo and Andrew by registering here.