Project status prepare

Project Overview

Scottish Water is working to deliver a long term, sustainable Waste Water Treatment System for present and future generations on the Isle of Seil.

At a Glance

  • Major Capital Investment
  • Waste Water Services Improvements
  • In Development

Isle of Seil proposed investment project

Positive Impact

We are working together with the local community to improve waste water services.

What We Are Doing

Scottish Water has been progressing with a project to deliver a new waste water treatment works on the Isle of Seil, together with a new septic tank at Seaview.

Latest News

Update on the waste water treatment planning application on the Isle of Seil

In November 2020 we took the difficult decision to ask Argyll and Bute Council to defer our current planning application for this project due to a significant increase in cost.

During the last 6 months, have undertaken a full review of the viable options to establish the most appropriate way forward.

Our investigations concluded that the most viable option is to keep the existing works at Balvicar, but also install a side stream filter and ultraviolet treatment (UV) unit, which will work in conjunction with the existing process and treat the additional flows when required.

We involved industry experts who design this treatment option, together with gaining feedback from other water companies who already utilise this system. 

This option offers significant benefits including achieving the necessary environmental standards; significantly less community disruption during construction; reduced carbon emissions; and lower capital cost to construct.

At this stage, we are progressing the final design, aiming to keep any additional apparatus within the existing site footprint, wherever possible. We will also look to install appropriate external site screening, in keeping with the local area. 

This option will require planning permission from Argyll and Bute Council, and a discharge license from SEPA, both of which are separate statutory processes.

Our planning application for the hillside option will be withdrawn.

We will hold an information drop-in session either virtually online, or in the village hall (subject to Covid restrictions) at an appropriate time and we will continue to keep you updated when more information is available.

If you require any further information, please contact us at .

Isle of Seil Project Documents

View the documents on our Isle of Seil investment project

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