Your search for 'Your Water Your Life' yielded 1238 results:

Renfrew Sewer Upgrade Extended in Multi-Million-Pound Investment

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6 October 2023

We are extending work to upgrade an important strategic rising sewer main to protect prized local allotments following a spate of bursts

Nature Calls the 'Shotts' in North Lanarkshire

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15 September 2023

We are urging residents in Shotts, North Lanarkshire to help wipe out chokes following a big spike in sewer blockages in the town

Major Investment to Tackle Sewer Bursts

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13 September 2023

We are looking to invest around £3million in the first phase of a major upgrade to an important sewer main serving customers in Renfrew and Glasgow

Battling Babet

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25 October 2023

Going above and beyond to keep customers taps flowing during Storm Babet

Pioneering peatland project progresses

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14 November 2023

Two years after launching a peatland restoration project in the Outer Hebrides, we return to check on its progress.

Industrial Action Statement Latest Update

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14 November 2023

Updated Statement on strike action by union members

Industrial Action Suspended

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16 November 2023

Planned industrial action by trade unions has been suspended after agreement was reached

Antibiotics Awareness Week

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17 November 2023

World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) is run by the World Health Organisation and is celebrated annually from 18th to 24th November

Public Event to Share Fair City 'Super Sewer' Plans

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6 April 2023

We are inviting Perth residents and businesses to attend an information event before planned work begins in mid-May to deliver a major sewer upgrade in Tay Street and Shore Road


Overland Sewer Serves Its Purpose

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22 November 2023

A huge overland pipeline has been dismantled and removed following the completion of a multi-million-pound upgrade of the local sewer network serving an Ayrshire beauty spot.