Your search for 'Your Water Your Life' yielded 1239 results:

Stepping up efforts to safeguard services from Storm Babet

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19 October 2023

Scottish Water is stepping up its efforts to protect water and waste water services for customers as severe weather sweeps across the country.

Industrial Action Response

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10 November 2023

Scottish Water response to impending strike action by union members

Flood Scheme Accelerates New Greenock Sewer Project

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1 December 2023

Scottish Water’s £2.5million project to alleviate flooding on the A8 East Hamilton Street in Greenock is to facilitate delivery of a second project to benefit Inverclyde.

Improving Urban Water Quality "on track"

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21 December 2023

Latest report on improving urban water quality shows delivery “on track” and new data is published

Need for Investment at Glenfarg Set Out

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28 December 2023

The need for a major upgrade of Glenfarg’s Water Treatment Works (WTW) has been set out in a new factsheet.

Major investment project to address sewer flooding in Pittenweem due to start

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8 January 2024

A multi-million pound investment project by Scottish Water to help reduce the risk of sewer flooding in Pittenweem is starting on 15th January

New Fife woodland boosts biodiversity and captures carbon

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14 February 2024

Scottish Water is creating a new woodland in the Lomond Hills, close to its Lomond Hills reservoir complex in Fife

Andrew's Munro Challenge Mission is First Off the Blocks

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22 February 2024

Climber Andrew Steel is first to sign up for annual Munro Challenge to raise funds for WaterAid

Adapting Scotland’s Water and Waste Water Services to Climate Change

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29 February 2024

Our plan sets out what we must do and how we need to work with others to ensure our services against the impact of climate change