Your search for 'Shaping the Future' yielded 1144 results:

Scottish Water is Leading Carbon Reduction in Construction

News Article Page

17 June 2024

We're a proud member of Construct Zero's Five Client Carbon Commitments launched by the Construction Leadership Council

Scottish Borders Clear Water Tank Investment

News Article Page

13 June 2024

Scottish Water's £30million investment in the water network is a significant development for the communities of Galashiels, Selkirk, and the surrounding areas.

Scottish Water’s New Talent Wins Big with Hydropower Pitch

News Article Page

5 June 2024

After less than a year in his job, a Scottish Water apprentice has clinched both Scotland and UK top awards for his innovative work and presentation on using the natural flow of water to generate electricity.

BLOG: Our Gardens Can Bloom Without Wasting Water - Julianne Robertson

Content Page

24 June 2024

Influencer Julianne answers some important questions about watering your gardens AND saving water during the dry summer months

Development Centres

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Our development centres are the creative hubs where users can test innovative new ideas

Trade Effluent

Content Page

Understanding Trade Effluent and the consent system

Registration, Verification & Deregistration

Content Page

Find out about adding or removing a supply point from the market and verification of market records

Latest Information

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Find all the latest news, updates and event information

Data Logging

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Discover how Licensed Providers can apply to install dataloggers and help customers monitor their water usage


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Find out about the wide range of analytical services we offer