Your search for 'Water Quality' yielded 1128 results:

Scottish Water Volunteers Supporting Great British Beach Clean 2022

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7 October 2022

Around 30 Scottish Water employees used their volunteering time to support this year’s Great British Beach Clean 16 – 25 September.

Back to the School which Inspired 38-year Career for Water Boss

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14 March 2022

Back to the School which Inspired 38-year Carear for Water Boss

Scottish Water to Return Reservoir to Nature

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21 March 2022

Scottish Water has begun work to restore Munnoch Reservoir in Ayrshire to a more natural state and transform it into a flood prevention measure for the local area.

Scottish Water Dive into Safer Future

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23 March 2022

Scottish Water has received an award from the Association of Diving Contractors (ADC) UK in recognition of work to improve diver safety.

New Era for Two Highland Waste Water Treatment Works

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27 May 2022

Two Waste Water Treatment Works in the Highlands are coming into Scottish Water's ownership after being built and operated via a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) since 1996

Medieval artefacts discovered during Scottish Water project

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5 May 2022

A Scottish Water project on the Isle of Lewis has led to the discovery of a Medieval site rarely identified in the Outer Hebrides

Maintaining Normal Summer Public Water Supply

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4 August 2022

Scottish Water is working to maintain public water supply to customers in parts of the country affected by prolonged dry warm summer weather.

Heroic Friday for Scottish Water Engineer

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11 February 2022

A Scottish Water employee stepped into the role of good Samaritan on his way to work after coming across a car crash in wintry conditions

Battery Storage First for Scottish Water in Net Zero Drive

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11 February 2022

Work is now complete on the first large-scale battery storage project to accelerate Scottish Water's drive towards net zero emissions by 2040

Fast Acting Scottish Water Staff Come to Aid of Highland Couple

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24 February 2022

The quick reaction of two Scottish Water operatives when a man collapsed in Alness has seen them praised as “lifesavers”