Your search for 'Shaping the Future' yielded 1133 results:

Scottish Borders Water Network Investment

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Overview of £30 million investment in Galashiels, Selkirk and surrounding area

Saughs Avenue

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The new water main will cross Saughs Avenue before extending through woodland and on to new housing development

Springburn Park

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We are upgrading approximately 200 metres of water main

Quarrywood Road

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We are installing more than 120 metres of new water main

Cromarty Hydrogen Water Connection

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A potential project which would see over 20km of water pipe installed to serve a proposed hydrogen plant near Edderton

Eela Water Treatment Works

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We have submitted plans for a new Water Treatment Works next to our existing site in by Eela Water in Northmaven

Greenock Emergency Sewer Repair

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We are carrying out an emergency sewer repair on Flatterton Road, Greenock

King Street Sewer Repair Inverness

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Work is underway to repair a sewer main on Duncraig Street and King Street, Inverness