Project status prepare

Project Overview

We're investing to renew the water network that supplies customers in rural Glenurquhart, including the village of Balnain and communities to the east and west. 

At a Glance

  • 25 kilometres of renewed water network

  • Around 2 years on site

  • Carried out by Morrison Construction

What We Are Doing

Following engagement with landowners and site investigation work, we're preparing to begin work to renew around 25 kilometres of water network in Glenurquhart. The work is set to be carried out in three phases and is expected to take around 2 years to complete once it begins.

Before work begins, we're holding a drop-in event at Balnain Hall from 3pm until 7pm on Monday 27th May to allow customers to meet our team, find out more and raise any questions or concerns.

Map graphic showing the extensive renewal of Glenurquhart's water network that is planned, including Rychraggan, Balnain, Shenval and Buntait

Extensive investment

Map showing the extent of water network renewal proposed, including Rychraggan, Balnain, Shenval and Buntait. Blue lines represent proposed new water mains. The pink lines show a section where design work is ongoing.

Why We Are Doing This

The investment will address the ageing nature of the drinking water infrastructure in the area which has resulted in an increased risk of burst mains in recent years, causing supply interruptions or reduced water pressure for customers. 

Scottish Water’s Project Manager Hugh Macpherson said: “We know that many of our water networks are ageing – and that presents a significant challenge with securing the level of service that we want to achieve for all of our customers on a sustainable basis. 
“When bursts occur, our local team will always respond as quickly as possible to assist customers and restore supplies. However, we know we need to deliver sustained and long-term investment to resolve the disruption that these incidents cause. 
“The project we’ve been preparing for Glenurquhart represents a very significant investment in the future of the community's water supply. Our team will work hard to manage the short-term impacts of our work in the local area, while delivering a benefit that will last for many decades to come. We would encourage customers to come along and meet us at Balnain Hall on Monday 27th May to find out more and raise any questions.”