project statys delivery

Scottish Water is carrying out a significant investment to help tackle the issue of flooding in Clydevale, Bothwell. 

We are upgrading and diverting waste water infrastructure in the area. 

Work began on Monday 30 October, with the entire project expected to take around four months for completion. 

At a Glance

  • Flood alleviation project 
  • Anticipated 4 months duration
  • Delivered by Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA)

Bothwell Flood Alleviation Project

Clydevale Investment

A significant investment project will help tackle sewer flooding in the area, helping to protect the local environment. 

What We Are Doing 

We are upgrading and diverting the sewer that runs under the communal garden area between Clydevale and Hamilton Road.

We will tunnel under the wooded area at the end of Clydevale, eliminating the requirement for an open excavation through the shared woods and the removal of the mature trees. This chosen method will reduce the number of vehicle movements during the works as less earth will need to be excavated from the area.  

This work is being delivered by our alliance partner Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA), on our behalf.

Why We Are Doing It

This work is being carried out to help address the issue of flooding which has been a historical issue in the local area. 

The improvements being made here will help protect the local environment. 

We thank all local residents for their patience and understanding while we work to deliver these works. We will do all we can to work with the community to help minimise any disruption. 

Site compound, Laighlands Road

The project site compound is off Laighlands Road. 

Works are ongoing in the field off Hamilton Road

Works are ongoing in the field between Clydevale and Hamilton Road.

Latest Update 

January 2024

Tunnelling operations are continuing from the field, under the wooded area to the end of Clydevale. Once the tunnelling has been completed, the team will then begin to install new waste water pipework.  

In addition to the new pipes which will be installed for the sewer diversion, we had originally planned to upgrade the existing sewer which runs along Clydevale. However, further investigations have determined that this scope of the works is no longer necessary; we do not need to go as far along Clydevale as we’d originally anticipated.  The newly diverted sewer will simply be tied in to the existing sewer at the end of Clydevale where the works are currently for the tunnelling. 

The good news is this means much less disruption for local residents and the project can be delivered in a shorter timeframe. We now anticipate the works to be completed by the end of February/beginning of March. 
We continue to do all we can to minimise the impact of our works and are engage directly with those most affected.