
Peebles Water Works makes 200 mile Journey from the Highlands

The six-month countdown to completion for the new £multimillion Water Treatment Works in Peebles has started

21 June 2022

Scottish Water Intelligent Assets Helping Improve Service and Protect Environment

Investment in Scottish Water’s intelligent asset base on its waste water infrastructure is set to improve its service to customers, protect the environment, reduce costs and assist in its journey towards net zero carbon emissions.

20 June 2022

New Chair Wants an Apprenticeship Available for 'Every Young Person in Scotland’

Peter Farrer, Scottish Water’s Chief Operating Officer, takes on the role of Chair of the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board’s (SAAB) Group Board.

20 June 2022

Scottish Water Joins Calls to Prevent Wildfire Damage

Scottish Water has joined calls to raise awareness of wildfire risks to prevent damage and help protect the environment and water supplies.

17 June 2022

Nature-based solution proposed to tackle flooding in Downfield

Plans to reduce flooding in the Downfield area of Dundee using nature-based solutions have taken a firm step forward.

17 June 2022

Passengers Encouraged to Top Up from The Station Tap on World Refill Day

Passengers travelling through two of Scotland’s busiest railway stations are being encouraged to top up with Scottish tap water as part of a global campaign to prevent plastic pollution.

16 June 2022

Lifesaving Lessons Rolled out to Mark Drowning Prevention Week

Water safety lessons to be delivered to around 70,000 children enrolled in Learn to Swim programme

15 June 2022

Portree Pupils Launch Skye's new Top up Tap with Sustainability Message

Local school children and community representatives came together to celebrate Portree's new Top up Tap – aimed at helping residents and visitors in the Skye Capital to stay hydrated while helping the environment

13 June 2022

Major Works to Tackle Sewer Flooding in Giffnock

We will begin a long-awaited project to help tackle sewer flooding in Giffnock, East Renfrewshire as schools close for summer

13 June 2022

Summer Visitor Appeal to Respect Scotland's Reservoirs

Visitors are being asked to respect Scotland’s reservoirs and behave responsibly around them during the summer holiday period.

09 June 2022

Stay Safe Around Watercourses This Summer

Scottish Water is urging people to stay safe, behave responsibly and not take risks around watercourses such as reservoirs, rivers and lochs this summer.

02 June 2022

Innovative ‘dual-sided’ solar scheme at Aberdeenshire treatment site

An innovative solar scheme which produces energy from both sides of a solar panel has been installed at a Scottish Water site to support the company’s drive towards net zero emissions.

01 June 2022

Information Event on Project to Tackle Flooding in Giffnock

We're holding an information event in Giffnock to update the local community on a significant investment project that is being planned to help tackle sewer flooding in the Braidholm Road area

31 May 2022

Mollie’s Canine Climbing Buddy Makes Munro Debut

Record-breaking Everest climber and Antarctic explorer Mollie Hughes is to be joined by a new canine mountain companion as she takes on the Scottish Water Munro Challenge this Saturday.

31 May 2022