
New Partnership Will Help Older People Stay Hydrated

Scottish Water has joined forces with Age Scotland to encourage older poeple to drink enough water

26 July 2021

Call to Curb Irresponsible Behaviour at East Renfrewshire Beauty Spot

We're urging members of the public to respect Picketlaw Reservoir in Eaglesham, following recent acts of vandalism and fears for people’s safety

23 July 2021

Water Efficiency Reminder

We're reminding people across Scotland to use water efficiently, with demand so high during the warm weather that we're having to produce more than 200 million litres of extra water per day nationwide

20 July 2021

Rico Gives Thumbs Up to Lossiemouth’s New Top Up Tap

Visitors to Lossiemouth's beautiful Esplanade can now top up with fresh water on the go at a new free refill tap on the town’s seafront

20 July 2021

Top up taps reach magical milestone

A growing network of top up taps across Scotland has saved the equivalent of half a million plastic bottles

15 July 2021

Summer Visitor Appeal to Respect Scotland’s Reservoirs

Summer visitors are being asked to respect Scotland’s reservoirs and behave responsibly around them during the holiday period.

02 July 2021