Milngavie Reservoirs

Update June 2024

There's so much happening at Milngavie Reservoirs with our major investment project under way. You'll still be able to visit the reservoirs while our work takes place! As always, we'll do all we can to keep any disruption for visitors and local residents to a minimum. Find out more about what’s planned at


Ranger-led Activities 

Join our Scottish Water ranger team on a leisurely stroll around Milngavie
Reservoirs. Various dates available below. Book your place here.

  • Birds for Absolute Beginners, Friday 14 June, 11:00-12:30. Discover some hints and tips to help you identify common birds found around Milngavie Reservoirs.
  • Milngavie Reservoirs Wellbeing Walk, Friday 28 June, 10:30-11:30. Join us for our sociable wellbeing walk in the tranquillity of Milngavie Reservoirs. Enjoy the company of fellow walkers as you stroll through scenic routes and take in the fresh air.
  • Citizen Science: Milngavie Reservoirs Pollinator Patrol, Sunday 30 June, 13:00-14:30. Join our ranger team on this citizen science event. Learn about the importance of our resident pollinators Bumblebees and Butterflies, identification techniques, and what you can do with useful apps to help as a citizen scientist.

Footpath Upgrades

The footpaths around the south & eastern side of Craigmaddie Reservoir have now been successfully upgraded. Lovers Lane will be shut from Monday 6th May, for up to two weeks, to install additional drainage. After that, the footpaths along the northern side of Craigmaddie Reservoir will have localised pothole repairs carried out. 

Along with this, new interpretation and wayfinding signs will be put up over the next few weeks. We anticipate that these improvements will be finished late May 2024. 

It’s important to stress that the reservoirs will be ‘open for business’ during these works, however, we will need to close off the sections of paths we’re working on both for health and safety reasons and for good progress to be made. Find out more here.

Respect Our Reservoirs & Safety 

It’s important to respect our reservoirs - and each other:
  • Have that picnic but use bins provided &/or take your litter home.
  • Take your dog for a walk but please keep it under proper control.
  • Go for a run, walk or cycle but please respect people’s space.
  • Please don’t take risks at reservoirs & respect the by-laws. There are lots of hidden dangers at reservoirs like underwater machinery, strong currents and deep, cold water!
  • If you are authorised to use the parking here on site (Blue Badge holders and SW employees only), please observe the speed limit on the access road.

Calling All Budding Photographers!

Do you enjoy taking pics when you're up at the reservoirs? Please send us your snaps and we'll share them across our digital channels. Tweet them to  @ScotWaterWest using #MilngavieReservoirs hashtag or send by email to:


Drumclog Car Park

The car park is available for visitors to Milngavie Reservoirs. Visitors are reminded that this is the parking location for all non-blue badge holders. Please park responsibly.

Milngavie Reservoirs Investment Project

Find out all about our investment work which is under way at Milngavie Reservoirs

More Info

Milngavie Byelaws

Byelaws for the prevention of pollution and for the regulation of use of water gathering grounds

Download here
Milngavie reservoirs
Milngavie reservoirs
Milngavie reservoirs
Milngavie reservoirs
Milngavie Reservoir 1

Craigmaddie and Mugdock Reservoirs

These reservoirs supply drinking water to 700,000 customers in Greater Glasgow. They are an important local beauty spot. 

Milngavi Reservoirs Consultation Complete

Poster Fun

Milngavie Primary School children got involved in our consultation process and created posters to show how much the reservoirs mean to them. We've created an eBook of their posters which you can see on the link below.


The Craigmaddie and Mugdock reservoirs in Milngavie are an important local beauty spot and recreational facility. The two reservoirs store drinking water supplying 700,000 customers in Greater Glasgow. The site which has historical, recreational and environmental significance attracts around 160,000 visitors per year. 

In October 2019 we committed to a refreshed approach to how we maintain the site and to engage the community of reservoir users on its future and development. We made the following commitments:  

  • To deliver a refresh of the site by the end of March 2020, making a visible difference to customers and visitors.  
  • To deliver a step change in our approach to the upkeep of the site, working collaboratively to co-create development ideas and outcomes for the medium and long term.
  • To engage broadly and inclusively to reach a broad spectrum of stakeholders and reservoir users promoting fair and open two-way dialogue. 

What’s happened so far?   

In 2020, We sought the public’s views on two of our much-loved and well-visited beauty spots in the Milngavie area of East Dunbartonshire; Craigmaddie and Mugdock reservoirs.

The consultation, which was launched online, encouraged people with an interest in these two Scottish Water assets to give their views and help inform future plans for investment. More than 1,000 people took part.

A significant investment project is now underway at Milngavie Reservoirs to bring many improvements to the reservoirs and help enhance visitor experience. A ranger service has been introduced at the site, a defibrillator and a Scottish Water Top Up Tap have been installed and there are many more enhancements to come! Click here for more details. 

Consultation Documents

You can read a summary of the consultation and view the brilliant work of Milngavie Primary School pupils in a specially created  eBook, via the link below.

More Information

Keep up-to-date

We will continue to update this page with the latest information. You can also follow us on social media to keep up-to-date on our activities: 

Twitter: @ScottishWaterWest 

Facebook: @ScottishWater
